By Stephanie Ruß© | February 14, 2021 12:00 PM | Last Updated: February 14, 2021
"The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences."
- Jon Krakauer in Into the Wild
A very fitting quote from Jon Krakauer when it comes to life's lessons. Just imagine that every single person on this planet (according to the world population clock as of March 12th, 2020, around 7.77 billion people) - no matter whether big or small, old or young, man /woman/transgender, no matter whether English, German, Turkish speaking or any other language, you understand what I want to say ... - everyone has learned different lessons in his life and lives individually in his little "world-bubble".
This does not mean that every person is physically on a different planet but in their way of thinking and acting.
We are all human - how do such different planets come about? As Mr Krakauer said, through experience. The more similar the experiences and lessons learned, the “closer” the planets circle around each other. When one has learned and internalized contrary lessons, these planets are far apart. And when it comes to a heated discussion or argument between people, it is like when a part of the distant planet breaks off and collapses as a meteorite on the other planets. A chain reaction can result.
It already starts at birth and lasts a lifetime and in addition we pass on the lessons we have learned to the next generations (at least in our environment) and teach them what feels normal and given to us.
Evolutionary to survive. Although people live in modern times, their primal instincts are still deeply anchored.
So if, for example, at the time, survival depended on staying in the group, then you do everything to stay inside and be recognized. A useful member of the pack, so to speak. If caveman A has the idea to go left through the gorge instead of the usual "safe" route to the right, the other cavemen will either explain to him why the other route is the right one and very likely leave him alone and follow the well-known route if he doesn't reject his "new idea".
A closer example can of course be found in families. We all know the well-known wisdom of grandma or mom that accompanies us throughout our lives. “Don't go out with your hair wet.” - “Be friendly and good.” - “Don't speak with your mouth full.” Or “Only speak when asked” - “Don't be so silly.” - “Don't be so emotional . ”-“ Boys don't cry. ”... various lessons that the family will pass on to the next generation with good intentions. Because one thing is clear, our relatives (mostly) only want what's best for us and that also means that they want us to be recognized by society.
No matter how much we complain or upset about our parents or relatives as children ... the fallacy is that while we can learn from "mistakes", most of the time we don't because we were taught differently. But what is best for our parents is not necessarily best for us personally. We have to make that clear to ourselves first ...
Moment! But the parents should understand that! - Yes and no ... Depending on the lessons and experiences learned and their lives, some generations will not understand it (either because they are so firmly convinced of what they have learned and are firmly rooted in their planet that they cannot turn left or right or because the characters have different values and goals from the personal character).
This does not mean that they are "stubborn", "stupid" or "ignorant" - they just see the world from a different angle. One of my coaches once said to me: “You can only change one point of view directly. Yours. ”And he's right. We can dare to jump into the “unknown” from our planet and look at other planets - ideally without judgment, but with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.
Knowing with understanding is power;
Knowledge without understanding is powerlessness.
- © Willy Meurer (1934 - 2018)
Illuminating the lessons and their background is an important step to grow beyond yourself, to get to know each other and then to bring more positive things into your life in the future.
For example, let's take a look at our daily belief system (no, not related to religion).
As an example, little Anna is a happy child, she likes to play and romp around. At the table she chatters happily and incessantly to herself. Then one day her mother says: 'Anna, you talk too much. Shut up, it's not proper. ' Little Anna had a situation that was inexplicable to her on that day - mom is angry with me, mom no longer loves me when I talk so much. - Of course the little one wants her mother to love her, so she's getting calmer and calmer.
A lesson learned can turn the cheerful, wild (positive) child into a quiet little mouse. Because what we all want is one thing, to be loved.
Her life has been limited and limited in a certain way (without it being done with bad intentions). Limits were set.
This lesson can now affect Little Anna's whole life. But if Anna questions and explores this “belief system”, she can break it open and make her own lesson from it. And how do you do that? With a simple question: why?
It can be, for example, that Anna meets with her friends and everyone laughs and talks wildly and Anna listens but hardly speaks or keeps quiet. It can now be that she is addressed: “Hey! Why are you always so calm? I know that you love the series! ”And Anna wonders and asks why she doesn't speak freely about what she loves. The solution is the why.
We will come to the topic of breaking the set limits and boundaries and the more precise 'why' in the next articles.
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