By Stephanie Ruß© | March 03, 2021 19:30 PM | Last Updated: March 04, 2021 12:00 PM
Each of us should have learned at least 10 lessons in our life that influence our lives. Today we will deal with the first 5 in the first part.
That affect us in the past, present and even in the future?
Did you learn these lessons too?
Let's find out.
Our parents teach us at a very early age that you have to share your things.
An example: Little Lissel sits in the sandpit and plays with her shovels and excavators happily. Little Paul joins her and thinks the shovel is great and takes it.
What's next? Depending on the character and previous experiences, it is possible that Lissel suddenly starts screaming, crying or even worse. At this moment mom or dad usually come to see what
has happened. And then it comes: "Lissel, that's not bad. Paul just wants to play with you. Share your toys with him."
Is that familiar to you? :) Almost everyone of us has fought this sandpit fight and depending on the further course we develop into someone who likes to share and enjoys the joy of the shared
experience or someone who does not like sharing. At this point we don't want to judge whether one or the other is good or bad. Because after all, it always depends on the individual moments.
Don't you think so?
The famous request from our family: "Be kind!" or "That's bad!" or "You're a naughty child!" and many other variations that convey the same message to and on:
Be kind (otherwise we won't accept you)!
The big difference up to the present day is, for example, that boys often turn a blind eye "Because they just have to fight!" and the girls often have a stern look "because they have to be the
more sensible and decent children".
And no! Before the big voices get loud here: even girls have to fight each other (I mean, why is it otherwise called cat fight or?! and if we are honest we can be really nasty by the female
gender!) And boys are also capable of reason!
However, depending on where we grow up, this lesson is taught to us in different ways. Often the reticent nature of many adult women is based on this very basic lesson. Because they were taught
from an early age that they don't belong or are loved if they are not kind and lovely!
The problem here is not only evident in the private but also in the professional area of these women (and men), as they want to do everything to arrive well with their colleagues & Co. and
often develop a mild to severe helper syndrome.
Is that familiar to you? Does it concern you or one of your friends or colleagues? You can find the solution below.
Okay, admittedly, this lesson is often closely linked to Lesson 2. However, it has other effects and therefore deserves an extra place in our ranking.
Even in the classic Mulan in the matchmaking scene, this is addressed:
"Speaks without permission ...".
Be silent and obedient, do not speak without permission / or being asked, your opinion or voice is not important. Many people grow up with such a feeling and this is strengthened or weakened by
situations and experiences. Unfortunately, the latter is far too rare.
Do you also know the situation, you sit at the family table, one of them tells about his or her day, then the other wants to tell something and then the phone rings or another interruption takes
place and "it is no longer important" what the other wanted to tell. Look familiar to you?
Or you are in a heated discussion (ideally those involved have previously obtained information from various sources and do not trust only one ...) and one party does not get any further, but also
persists in his/hers opinion and tries by all means to bring the other to silence? "That's bullshit!", "You have no idea!", Also nice is "I know better, I have more life experience than you!"
etc. and at some point mostly the "quieter" part gives up / back down. Successfully silenced.
With this lesson we make it difficult for our loved ones to find their place and, above all, to find HEARING, to be able to stand up for themselves and others and also to bring about a change in
our environment and society.
There are so many great ideas out there! That would never be heard if we don't learn to listen without directly judging and learn to raise our voices.
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (1868-1956)
Oh! One of my favorite lessons!
What? Yours not? I understand. The subject of money is a very delicate and uncomfortable subject for many. Regardless of whether you have previously learned: "You don't talk about money." (to
this day widespread and, above all, hidden under professional confidentiality clauses etc.) or "There is not enough money (for the school trip, the hobby, the vacation, the study ...)." or what
also goes into this topic: "The rich think they are better!" (Often such a statement results from frustration, ignorance or feelings of inferiority).
Um! Hi?! Stop putting such nonsense in the ears of your children, friends etc.
First of all, if we could and could talk more openly about money, then:
And much more. Because if we look at the market ... you guys ... let's be honest ... there is enough money in the world. Only the knowledge about it is currently in imbalance and as a result
(among other things) there is also an imbalance in the wallet or on the account for many.
Many who do not grow up in an environment that has financial freedom therefore often grow up with this wrong lesson. However, if this is broken open and the knowledge about it is applied,
everyone - and yes I mean EVERYONE can go into financial freedom and sleep peacefully again.
Think about it, you have probably already experienced this: You absolutely wanted to do or have something (a workshop, the new game, the very special cookies, etc.) and you actually don't have
any money for it. But since you absolutely want it and it is your priority, you suddenly get the money together or find another solution. Have you ever experienced it? I knew it!
Already firmly anchored in the animal kingdom, be it in a flock of birds or a school of fish.
If you swim against the current, the consequences - often fatal in the animal kingdom ... as a fish you swim happily against the current, suddenly you find yourself alone in the open sea
and whoosh ... eaten up.
Okay, people are not literally eaten up, but repelled or excluded.
Depending on how old you are, you can currently see it yourself in your school or you can remember your school days. The cool kids from the class vs. the nerds. The "good looking" versus the
"ugly". The "strange" loner from the parallel class or the class clown from next door.
Why is this happening? Why do groups, clichés and judgments about the individual students form? Some of us have deliberately used a certain style in order to have a "cool" reputation, or have
hidden our reading glasses in order not to be marginalized, etc. There are countless examples and the subject of bullying plays a major role. (If you or a friend needs help with bullying, please
get in touch here!)
Evolutionarily, therefore, this lesson has existed since the beginning of time, since it ensured our survival and continues to do so today. Our friends / cliques help us with problems and we
experience the world together instead of lonely.
Everyone who is "different" often poses a threat to our "ideal" world as we have learned to understand. Unfortunately, this often means that one reacts with rejection. But what can we do about
Very simple - talk to each other. You don't need to be afraid of a "stranger". Talk to each other and who knows maybe you will find surprising similarities or you will get some new perspectives
and ideas.
I personally see it this way:
"For me, a stranger is just a friend I don't know yet!"
Of course, if your gut feeling says: ehhhhhhh! Better not. You better listen to it;) Most of the time you can trust it. But don't be afraid not to go with the flow, because there are so many of
the others who are all "the same" and act the same - but YOU are YOU and you only exist ONCE.
Dare to show yourself!
Next week, in the second part of our series, there are five more lessons that almost all of us have learned!
Did the lessons sound familiar to you? Feel free to write us your opinion and message via the contact form. Is there a lesson you'd like to study? Or would you like more information?
Write us!
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The book will be released on August 1st, 2021.
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