My blog is about a wide variety of topics. Personality development, setting limits, emotions, relationships & much more.
All connected to the brand new upcoming book "The Power of No - How to overcome suppression and say YES to yourself!".
How was the idea of the topic and book born? - Which steps are to take?
Find out more inside the Blog.
It will be always a german and english version available.
My VLog is a funny video diary about a wide variety of topics. Personality development, setting limits, emotions, relationships, interviews & much more.
Follow me behind the scenes of the brand new upcoming book "The Power of No - How to overcome suppression and say YES to yourself!".
Feel free to suscribe on our Youtube Channel.
Next interview part in our Vlog now online with Dominic Anglim.
Imagine having a brand new Ferrari. It's in perfect working order with a full tank of high octane fuel, yet you’re pulling it around town with a tow rope! Because you never learned to say no.
In this blog entry we take a look towards the topic: fears and how to overcome those.
In this blog entry (04.04.2021) we take a look towards the topic: change.
How does life change? How do we change? Are you afraid of change?
In todays blog entry we take a look towards the topic: boundaries & doubts
And why fear isn't always bad.
In todays blog entry we take a look towards the topic: Money, Voice, Sharing, Kindness, Being extraordinary ;)
We start this blog with a powerfull article about the power of the word NO and its meaning.
In todays blog entry we take a look towards the topic: learned lessons